Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Reading: Read for 20 minutes. Oct. reading contract/character traits WS due Monday, Nov. 3
Cursive: Friday
Writing: Finish persuasive RADIO AD. We will record our podcast on Monday.
OTHER: Conference Slips; Room Rep Forms from Students 6 and 11
This week's "GLOWS" and "GROWS":
Our "GLOWS" from this week:
* Performing the 4th Grade Show!
* We beat our record for "THE GAME" by 50 seconds!
* Halloween parade and party
* Earning lots of marbles
* Student #13 lost two teeth in two days!
* Got a great report from the sub.
* Student #4's birthday
* Student #1 is coming back next week from India
Our "GROWS" for next week:
* Walk quieter in the hallways and stay in a straight line
* Earn more marbles
* Be better listeners
* Try to beat our record(again) for THE GAME!