Students, please consider participating in this year's Education Fair. You will earn extra credit in Social Studies for your effort! This year's theme is "Safari to Schools Around the World!" Entry forms are due January 20.(See the Friday packet for more details.)

Morning Work: DWP - Pretend that you are a Native American that lived long ago. Write a paragraph describing a day in your life.
Reading: Finish Practice p. 93-94; Read for 20 minutes -- January Reading Contract
Spelling: P. 84
Grammar: P. 83
Cursive: Week 16 - Monday
Science: Complete the next three questions in your SIJ(Science Inquiry Journal) -- Due Tues., 1/20.
Social Studies: History Alive! Chapter 4 Test on THURSDAY. Study guide will be handed out tomorrow.
Adv. Math: SL 5.8/ Enrichment 5.8
OTHER: Field Trip Form due Wed.