Dear Parents,
A new permission slip for our field trip has been sent home today. Please sign and return the permission slip for the new field trip date. Since you have already sent in your payment, you only need to return the new permission slip. Thank you!

Morning Work: DWP - What person would you most like to interview? Write a paragraph explaining your choice.
Reading: Finish TFK WS; Read for 20 minutes -- Novel, reading contract, and Tic-Tac-Toe book projects are due Jan. 9.
Spelling: Finish p. 79
Grammar: Finish p. 78
Cursive: Week 15 - Tuesday
Writing: 2008 Timeline & New Year's Wishes due Thursday
Science: Complete the next three questions in your SIJ(Science Inquiry Journal) -- Due Mon., 1/12.
Adv. Math: SL 5.5
OTHER: Celebrate Writing Samples due Jan. 12