Please return one signed copy of the midterm report by Friday.
Please sign and return your field trip form by Friday.
We will take the READING MAP test on Friday at 9:15 a.m.
STARS Pizza Lunch will be held on Wed., January 28. These are for students who have attended at least 3 STAR lunches this year.

Morning Work: DWP - Write a dialogue describing snow to a person who has never seen it before.
Reading: Practice p. 103-104; Read for 20 minutes -- January Reading Contract
Spelling: P.91
Grammar: P. 90
Cursive: Week 17 - Wednesday
Science: Complete the next three questions in your SIJ(Science Inquiry Journal) -- Due Tues., 1/27.
Adv. Math: Self-Assessment checklist; Study Guide; TEST FRIDAY
OTHER: LIBRARY BOOKS; Study Hall Consequence Letters - Late homework